Sunday 26 June 2016

Mood Boards

From my 'Fist Ideas' post I've done some thinking and have decided on 2 /4 song I first suggested. From this I've created 2 mood boards to gather ideas on colours, texts and locations that could be used in my video.

'Half The World Away'

First Ideas

After researching both documentaries and music videos I've chosen to create a music video as its more recent and practical for my interests. These are my first ideas;

Song Choices

People to feature in video
  • Olivia Hyam
  • Layla Huggett
  • Isla Reid
  • Parks (Nonsuch/Oaks)
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • London streets (city)
  • Transport (bus/train)
  • Woods/forests (Box Hill) (Groombridge Enchanted Forest)

Narrative/visuals ideas 
The various song choices that I have came up with are based on loosing yourself and trying to find a way to cope and overcome things.
  • For Dream I have come up with the idea that a little girl will be dreaming about her future. It could be shot in a forest where she is out to adventure and imagines herself growing up.  
  • Lost boy is about loosing yourself in different situations so the idea of different characters being lost will fit together in a montage during this video. 
  • Half the World Away is very similar to dream. It's very emotional and can mean many different things. Using a younger girl will allow audience to see the innocence. Different visuals and effects will help bring the message across. 
  • Beautiful Things is a song about travelling away and exploring the world. I can picture the video being quite fast paced with the singer performing on the beach and in the city on transport conveying the movement.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Music Video Wordle

As a class we created a Wordle of all the words that came to mind when thinking about music video. This has helped me form a basis in my mind of what music videos are all about.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Documentary RAILING sheet

We watched two pre-1990 documentaries in class and analysed them using RAILING. This allowed us to understand how documentaries have developed over the years.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Evaluation of AS

Personal Evaluation

During the course of our AS media course I feel I made a great contribution to the planning, production and editing stages when having to undertake both the prelim and real thing. I was able to listen and adjust to fit the groups needs and was well prepared when undertaking individual tasks for the group.
My one weakness when undertaking this task was being a bit of a perfectionist when it came down to editing. I was very critical of the work and had to make sure every bit of the editing was perfect to ensure the final product was as good as it could be. However this paid off as I was very proud of how our work came out in the end.
 If I was to do this task again I would make sure I was available of all days of the filming as last time there was one day I was unable to make filming. Other than that I feel my contribution to the group work paid off and I am proud of how our final product came out.

Group Evaluation

During all the stages of filming our group was able to work effectively together and divide tasks fairly to create a better final piece at the end. We had no disagreements and was able to compromise to find the best fit for everyone. After each filming day we came together and celebrated which really showed how our team took every part seriously and cared about the end product.
One weakness we came across when deciding to film was fitting together our schedules as some people had work and commitments that they couldn't miss. However we were able to compromise and make up for the filming tasks.
Next time I would say being apart of a smaller group would be ideal as 4 people sometimes got overcrowding and some put more effort in then others. This would help with matching up the schedules as well. Also having more of a structured production would allow time for preparations.

Overall the AS production work was enjoyable and the group I worked in put in a lot of effort to create our final film opening scene.