Thursday 2 February 2017

Evaluation- Q3

What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

Audience feedback is very important when creating a media product. Its essential to know the strengths and weaknesses of your product from an outer perspective so your product can be the best it can be. 

The major ways I carried out audience feedback:

- Video Questions 

For our music video we got a media students and a psychology student to give us feedback on our piece. This helped us make any last changes to our piece before submitting it. 

- Picture Responses 

- Verbal Feedback

During the editing process we got our teachers and peers to respond to our music video and help us out with any questions we had. A lot of the questions consisted of 'does this look ok?' or 'Which way should this video go'. Asking these questions pushed us to become more confident in making decisions on our own and produce a well planned piece. 

All comments either negative or positive were helpful when producing my music video. The negative ones allowed me to improve some aspects and look at my work from a different perspective. It was important for me to have an understanding of these improvements so I could gain a higher mark.

What Audience Feedback has taught me: 
It gave me another perspective to the production and editing stages. Getting feedback on the day from the performers helped as it gave us a chance to re-shoot some parts and get a more variety of shots which were helpful when it came to the editing process. Editing process was advanced by people showing us different ways of using the video. For example we found out how to change to colour of our shots so they matched with the natural theme. 

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