Monday 31 October 2016

Editing #1

Today we got to upload all our footage taken last Thursday on the computers and start adding it into final cut express with our song over the top. Due to having only one scene shot we had to leave gaps and fit in parts relating it to our storyboard. Here are a few examples of what we have done in our first editing session:

  • We managed to fit together our locked off camera shots and create a match cut where George appears in the shot. 

  • We also added cross dissolves in between clips to allow the clips to flow together with the music. 


Tuesday 25 October 2016

Preparation for Filming Day 1

To prepare for the first day of filming we've organised the costumes, makeup and also made sure we're both confident with the camera and all the different settings it features.

Equipment List

  • 2 cameras - one from school and one was Isla's
  • 2 tripods
  • White screen- for the singing aspect we are filming in a studio
  • Own lanterns and night lights
  • Make up
  • Gold Glitter 
  • A white leotard to go under our performers dress

The inspiration for some of the moves and costume ideas came from a show where Chrissy and George performed a duet together. From this we could start planning what parts we wanted to include and what would relate to our own piece.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Equipment List

On set
  • Camera (1 borrowed from school/1 Isla's) = Filming 
  • Lanterns (for night scene)
  • White screen background
  • 2 Tripod's
  • Makeup (Simple; Gold Glitter, Mascara, Eye Shadow, Foundation,)
  • Car to travel 
  • Curling irons
  • White dress/leotard for Chrissy
  • White top/Black trousers for George 
  • All black for Sarah 

Performance Practice

We met up with our dancers and filmed them practising certain dance routines which will be used in our music video. I uploaded it onto youtube and linked it below. We will go on and film their dance in our chosen location with costumes and props for the music video itself.

Crew List

Filming - Georgina and Isla
Editing - Isla and Georgina
Singer- Sarah
Dancers - George and Chrissy

Monday 17 October 2016

Indie/Folk Magazine Adverts

My Digipak Ideas

After opening a Pinterest board and collecting different ideas I've come to an initial conclusion. I like the idea of Double Exposure where two pictures are layered and optimised to create an effect. This will make up the front cover of my Digipak. On the back I will include the initial conventions to allow the audience to become familiar with the style. Using synergy I will try to correlate the images for the Digipak and magazine advert to match the style of music video.

These are the ideas I especially liked for the front of the Digipak.
I like the idea of using a human silhouette of our singer on the front along with a landscape image.

The back of my Digipak will contain some sort of landscape like the ones below:

Indie-folk Digipaks

I decided to look at some digipaks of bands from our chosen genre (indie-folk) so that we could see what the typical conventions are. My research is below.

According to my research the conventions of a digipak for the ‘indie-folk’ genre follow an ‘old-style'. Both digipaks I looked at have a vintage look which adds an element of ‘folk’. The front of both album covers only include one relaxed image and the title of the album. The production company logo and bar code are included and the he colours are dull, they are not bright and eye catching like the colours of a digipak from the ‘pop’ genre would be.

Analysis of Magazine Adverts

Olly Murs advert for his Right Place Right Time album follows the main conventions of an magazine advert. It contains the name of the artist an the album along with the release date and single names that will be popular with audiences. The font used is quite childish but presentatble promoting fun. Also the songs that have already been released is featured which will catch the audiences attention making them aware of what the album will contain. It also follows with Flo Rida's name to promote his album to attract the rappers target audience as well as his own. The image of Olly himself takes over half the advert making sure the audiences can recognise him. Using a mid shot allows the audience to see him holding his hands in his pockets, presenting a relaxed and friendly image. Him looking directly at the camera makes it personal to the audience as it looks as if he is looking at them persuading them to purchase the album. The smart/casual outfit he is wearing is far from mainstream making it appeal to different target audiences. It presents a different image which audiences may be interred to look into. '' is printed a the bottom on the advert allowing audiences to have to option to explore deeper into what he's about.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Location Recee

Warren Farm
This location is accessible to us as a group and has a variety of green/forest areas to film different scenes in. Having it so close to us enables us to use it as much as we want ad can always go back to get more footage if needed.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Location Problem!!

As discussed in our pitch we were meant to be using the lavender fields to film part of our music video. After contacting the people about filming we found out it was closed and would not be available for us to film in. This means we are going to have to change the location in our music video. 

Monday 10 October 2016


A way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media platforms. For example the music video, poster adverts and Digipak  all having a common theme to link them together. 

  • Tom Odell: Long way down.

His Music Video, Digipak cover and advert has used the same imagery, text and colour theme all the way through to create a consistent marketing campaign. This makes it recognizable and conforms to both Tom's brand image and indie pop genre.

  • Lana Del Rey: Born to Die.

A consistent campaign has been used to promote Lans album. Her music video for follows the same theme as her Digipak and Magazine album helping promote her brand image. 

Friday 7 October 2016

Magazine Advert Conventions

Distributing Music Videos

Student Digipaks

This Digipack is visually appealing with it following a common theme. It contains all the conventions of a Digipack and informs the audience of the genre. The font is very fitting and the white stands out.  My only criticism is the album art on the back and front is very much repetitive. It could have contained a different angle for the camera.

I particularly like the images on this Digipack as they are very original and have been edited to cause an effect for the audience. This engages the audience and makes them become curious which is vital when selling a product. The colour themes match up perfectly and it follows the same theme throughout. 
My criticism for this Digipack is the spine, a simple word is not going to sell! It must contain information which will draw the audience in making them want to pick it up and buy it!

I like the way this one has 6 parts. It allows the audience to gather more information about the artist and get the most of what they buy. However more information could have been added as the close up of the tree is very repetitive. My favourite part it the transfer for of the face and tree, this is the theme i would like to follow in when creating my Digipack.

Collecting Digipack Ideas

I've created a Pinterest board of ideas for my own Digipack. It also includes passed indie/folk covers which inspired me into the themes I've chosen. I have linked it here.

Performance Aspects

For our music video we want to incorporate both a singer performance and a dance to expand our target audience.

The song Wings is a slow song so a lyrical dance will fit  in well. Both a solo dance from Chrissy and a duet between her and George will allow us to create a clear and creative story line. Chrissy  and George have a passion for dance and are willing to choreograph a dance to the song so we could evaluate it and fit it in with our ideas.This will enable us to keep our target audience entertained while they follow the narrative.

Music videos that include lyrical dance performances to expand their target audiences include:

Ed Sheeran - Thinking out Loud
Singer Performance:
Sarah is our performer and will be playing Birdy in our music video. We are going to incorporate her singing into our video alongside the narrative played by Chrissy and George. She will be singing in front of a studio light in front of a white background to contrast against the bright background from the story line.

Music videos that include separate singer performances to expand their target audiences include:

Selena Gomez - Kill Em with Kindness